Salem Golf Men's Club

The Men's Club celebrates our 2024 Club Champions

Cam Stinger: Club Champion
Roger Plott : Senior Champion

Welcome to the Salem Men’s Club.  Our goal is to promote the enjoyment of golf, understand, support the rules and etiquette of the game, and provide a structure to participate in competitive play.

We would love to see your attendance at our monthly tournaments!

Full Members in good standing have paid the $75 for annual membership dues for the golfing season.
Benefits to Full members are:

  • Access to all weekly tournaments and major tournaments scheduled by the Men’s Club.
  • USGA World Golf Handicap Index
  • Membership to Oregon Golf Association (go to the OGA web page to see comprehensive list of benefits)
  • Discounted green fees at the OGA Golf Course in Woodburn, OR
  • Membership in the Northwest Golf Association

Our Board of Directors:

  • President: Bryan Thoet
  • Secretary/Communication: Lawrence Harris
  • Tournament Director: Paul Pickerell
  • Treasury: Ron Richards
  • Handicap Chairman: Jeff Witbeck
  • Thursday Night Tournaments: Tony Tomlinson
  • Member at Large: Bob Hamre

For additional information about Salem Men’s Club, contact any of the Board members at [email protected] or contact Ron Richards directly at 503-871-4882.

Weekend Tournaments

Sun., Feb. 8         Super bowl Sunday: Two-Man Scramble

Sat., March 22     Spring Opener: Individual Play (9:00 am shotgun)

Sat., April 12        Anomaly Tourney: Best Ball/Scramble (9:00 am tee times)

Sun., April 13       Anomaly Tourney: Chapman/Alternate (9:00 am tee times)

Sun., May 18        2-Man Chapman: Gross & Net (9:00 am tee times

Sat., June 7          Big Event: 4 Man Scramble (9:00 am tee times) 4-Man Scramble (9:00 am tee times)

Sat., July 19         2 man best ball (9:00 am tee times)

Aug.2-3                Capital City Amateur Tournament

Aug. 16-17           Club Championship: Individual Play (9:00 am tee times)

Sat., Sept. 13       Presidents Cup Match Play (9:00 am)

Sun., Oct. 12        Super Tough: Individual Play (9:00 am shotgun)

Sun., Nov. 16       Turkey Shoot: 2-Man Best Ball (9:00 am shotgun)

Followed by annual meeting and lunch

Thursday Night Events begin April 3.  The weekly fee is $8.00

April 3 & 10 start at 5:00 pm; April 17 & 24 start at 5:15 pm, and all other events start at 5:30 pm.  Please sign in and pay by 15 minutes prior to the start time.

The event calendar and sign up sheets are posted on the Bulletin Board by the Men’s Club lounge.


Playing the ball down as it lies  (no bumping)
Ground Under Repair: Deep ruts, made by carts/mowers or other ground keeping equipment, are to be treated as Ground Under Repair (R25-1). Relief from this condition must be taken under Rule 25-1b.
Staked trees: (the Apple orchard) one club length of the nearest point of relief from the interference’s Relief is stance, and swing path not for ball flight. One club length from the nearest point of relief.

We’ll see you on the links….